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A Day in Durham

Wee Alice Crompton: What day is it today, Chrissie?
Me: Hmm, let's check our Tour Book. So if we are on our way to Durham, it must be Tuesday. 

We set off from Scotland in the morning after another wonderful breakfast. The merits of the haggis and black pudding and the secret ingredient in the porridge (whisky) were yet again the subject of conversation.

We arrived in Durham some 3 hours later, having been entertained/educated on the way by David Thomas telling us interesting facts about South Australian connections to the Northumbrian Saints, including Cuthbert, Wilfred, Chad and Bede, the Holy Isle and Lindisfarne.

Time for a quick lunch with the recently arrived Rev Jenny Wilson. It was great to hear her call my name across the forecourt of the Cathedral. 

We then sorted our music, robed and went in for rehearsal. Here is a picture of the rehearsal. 

Tonight we sang Anthony Hunt Versicles and Responses, with Andrew as Cantor. The Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis were Murrill in E and the anthem was Lully Lullay by Kenneth Leighton, with Brianna Bambery singing the solo. Both Andrew and Brianna were complimented by the Vice Dean, as was the singing of the whole Choir. Turns out he has family in Clovelly Park, although he has not been out to visit Adelaide. Yet. 

Dinner was in Durham after Evensong, in a Tapas restaurant called La Tasca. This was a lovely restaurant, with great food and very nice staff. They would not let us leave until we had sung them Matilda, which was very well received. This was our first Matilda since Adelaide Airport. It was great to have Peter Borthwick with us at the service tonight and for a drink at dinner. He is another alumnus of the Choir who has dropped in on each of our three overseas tours. 

Durham Cathedral does not allow photography except for special circumstances. We were able to achieve special consideration, for which we were very grateful. Now careful observers will notice that I appear in the group photos. This is because our Tour Vet, Marijke Mellor, given the absence of pets needing immediate health care, has kindly taken on the role of Photographer Post Services, using my camera. Thanks Rijke. Here are some of hers, followed by some of mine after the service. And the Cloisters ones from earlier in the day - Harry Potter fans may recognise this as the space where Harry and his friends learned to fly.

Where you learn to fly

Ghostly Andrew and James

More Ghostly Choristers pay homage to St Cuthbert

On the way to dinner

Well Dear Reader, we are now in York, and I am calling it a night, we have a busy few days ahead of us. 

Good night all.



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