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Happy in Henley

Dear Reader

Today I slept in. Properly slept in until after 9am. It was wonderful. I had not realised how tired I was after tour until my head hit the pillow last night.

But never let it be said that I lie around all day on holidays. Sal and I headed off with Zuki the dog for a walk along the path by the Thames, and then through some fields. It was beautiful and VERY muddy in parts. I was too busy trying to keep my balance to photograph the muddy tracks. We then had a light lunch in The Baskerville pub at Shiplake, which well deserves its awards and accolades. Home again on the train, just the one station. I do like trains.

This evening Sal and I are heading off to dinner with a friend of hers, Helen, who has also become a friend of Lavinia, with their shared love of cats. This will be in another pub, this time in Henley.

I will finish here saying how lovely it is to be with my cousin, her husband Mark and all three girls, Alex, Rachael and Amelia. We anticipate catching up a few times this year, which is unusual. The family is coming to SA for a Ross Family Reunion in Middleton at Easter, and Ali and I will head back here for our *significant* birthdays later in the year.

So now I will make a start on the Coventry Cathedral post, although in the end I may just let the pictures there do the talking too.



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