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MO, not FOMO

 Dear Reader

I have MO, which is a bit like FOMO, but when the fear is realised. I am missing out. 

I am currently on a train to Oxford as they are trying to keep the coach COVID free. Very sensible. After nearly four days of staying in a hotel room I am now transferring to another hotel room. Different city, likely to be same decor and layout. 

Dear Reader, you will need to admire the photos of my colleagues as I have not been out to take them. 

St George’s at Windsor was a real experience for our Choir. They were treated to a private tour, saw the graves of many royals, including Henry VIII and our own dear Queen Elizabeth II. I was grateful to Bella for paying respects to the late Queen on my behalf. I still find it hard to believe she is not the monarch any more. 

At Evensong the Choir sang Radcliffe Responses, the Martin St Paul’s Buffalo Canticles and Elsley’s Be Present, O merciful God. Sorry, I don’t know what the psalm was. 

There were no photos allowed at Windsor except for the Official post Evensong set shot. I attach several examples of this. And some outside shots. Photo credits David Heah, Didi Liu, Rose Callisto and Susie Robinson.

The Choir is currently at Blenheim Palace where our youngest Tag-a-long, Tommy Hunt, is having a great time. Photo Credit: his Dad. 

David found somewhere else to play at Blenheim. Photo Credit: Stephen Morton. 

I will try to get some information from others to fill in the major gaps, like how The Witches performance went last night, missing music details and what they saw and loved in London. Here are my pictures of London. Not much to see.

Signing off before I get to Oxford. But before I do I want to thank Dr Ritesh for his medical advice, David and Jasmin for practical arrangements, Christine M for shepherding me today as I have a bit of the brain fog, so many of you for reaching out via various electronic means from all over the planet, and especially Annabel Crompton who has been my lifesaver while I have been stuck in the basement in London. My gratitude is greater than my MO.




  1. Speedy recovery Chrissie 🙏🏼 ❤️

  2. Well done, choir, on looking after your Covid Colleague. So sorry you're MO. The blogs about the Tour have been invaluable for us at home following your journey and your music. You'll all be home soon, and at the end of our Walkerville sojourn, we shall see you all then.

  3. What a shame Chris, but I bet your heart and soul have been singing along. Enjoy the hotel views of Oxford - a remarkable city from almost any viewpoint. I love to think of all the amazing people who have walked the paths before we add ours, who have played and sung there before we add ours and the incredible discoveries and life changing creativity that this city has birthed. Stay safe and hope the brain fog lifts soon.


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